Geronimo, I meant the church, not you....sorry
Star Moore
JoinedPosts by Star Moore
Christ/Anti-Christ Tower/Anti-Tower
by Geronimo ini've discovered a christian sect that's the antithesis of the wtbts.
every negative emotion, word, thought, action, and attitude of watchtower madness finds it's mirror image in the unity school of christianity.
whereas the wt is authoritarian and demands submission, unity fosters free thought, inquiry, and individual autonomy.
Christ/Anti-Christ Tower/Anti-Tower
by Geronimo ini've discovered a christian sect that's the antithesis of the wtbts.
every negative emotion, word, thought, action, and attitude of watchtower madness finds it's mirror image in the unity school of christianity.
whereas the wt is authoritarian and demands submission, unity fosters free thought, inquiry, and individual autonomy.
Star Moore
But Geronimo, is it possible to be so open-minded that you have no focus at all..?????
Where in the Bible does it say man has free will?
by lovelylil ini was doing some research on another topic and this scripural point kept coming up - jesus said "no one comes to me unless the father who sent me draws him" this word draw means to "entice" or "attract".
in light of this statement, does this mean we actually do not have free will to decide to serve christ?
for it says we cannot do so unless drawn by god.
Star Moore
Dear Lil,
Yes, it's a good topic for monday.. I have long distance now..
Who is God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit?
by sanjanicole ini am studying about jw, and as i understand it you do not believe in the trinity, how can you not belive in something that the bible says is real, i understand that the word trinity itself is not in the bible, but that does not mean that it does not exist especially since the triune god is talked about in the bible...
Star Moore
Dear Sanja,
You are right as far as there is the 3, in the bible..
The father, the son and the holy spirit.
But the original definition of the trinity way back when, is that the 3 are the same being. all one person, and one God. Do you believe that? Also do you feel that, that is in the bible?
Now I believe he is in "nature" equal to the father or divine. Not that he and the father are the same person. but only equal in nature. I think this is why the Jews tried to stone him for they said that by Jesus saying he was God's son - he was making himself equal to God.
Lil, Do you mean by the same 'nature', that they are both spirits?
I think the pharisees imagined, he was making himself equal to God, as in Phil. 2:6 "He gave no consideration to be equal to God." NWT or NIV "he did not consider equality to God something to be grasped".
I realize there is a lot of debate..about the 1st part of that scripture, 'although being in the same nature of God.. or in God's form'...
I take the 1st part to mean, that he was the image of God..
The useless WTS Website
by PopeOfEruke ini can't believe and low-tech and next-to-useless the watchtower website is.
considering how in the past the jw's used radio and other technology to help spread the jw doctrine "good news", it seems they should have developed a great website to help get new members.. but their site is dreary and hollow.
old information like the "generation of 1914 will see the end of the system" is still posted there.
Star Moore
Hello Pope:
I think it is a dead organization which, in turn produces a dead web page.
Where in the Bible does it say man has free will?
by lovelylil ini was doing some research on another topic and this scripural point kept coming up - jesus said "no one comes to me unless the father who sent me draws him" this word draw means to "entice" or "attract".
in light of this statement, does this mean we actually do not have free will to decide to serve christ?
for it says we cannot do so unless drawn by god.
Star Moore
Dear Lil,
No, I don't think God draws everybody. What do you think?
Where in the Bible does it say man has free will?
by lovelylil ini was doing some research on another topic and this scripural point kept coming up - jesus said "no one comes to me unless the father who sent me draws him" this word draw means to "entice" or "attract".
in light of this statement, does this mean we actually do not have free will to decide to serve christ?
for it says we cannot do so unless drawn by god.
Star Moore
Hi Lil,
What about the idea, that many are called, but few are chosen?
I think God draws us, or calls us, or chooses us. But that when he does call us, we have the prerogative to respond or decline..
He has the right to call us, and we have the right to decline..
Do you feel that the "Rapture" is close now that you are a christian?
by booker-t infor all ex-jw's that are now born-again christians.
do you now believe that the "rapture" is close?
have you traded one lie "armaggeddon is around the corner" that jw's insist on to jump ship and believing another "lie" by born-agains that the "rapture is very close".
Star Moore
Dear Lil,
Thanks for responding to my thought.. I think it should be fun to hash some of this over with you.
The reason being when Paul made the statement he said "we" who are still alive. in this "we" he includes himself and therefore means believers.
You have a point... about all of the anointed seeming to be included.. I'll think on this.. but am thinking it could possibly be taken either way.
That is when the corruptable puts on the incoruptable meaning we have a change of nature to the heavenly one.
I agree..but I'm thinking we could recieve the incorruptible nature, without recieving spirit bodies (like angels) perhaps living by the spirit, rather than by the flesh..
The rest of the dead - (unbelievers) do not come alive until the 1,000 years has ended. See Revelation 20:4,5.
I agree, but not that they are neccessarily unbelievers, but just not getting it yet.. as I think everyone will be a believer in the millenium.
The reigning with Christ in Revelation clearly shows reigning in heaven not over the earth as the other dead are not alive at that time. In other words, there are no subjects on earth to reign over.
Then who would the brothers of Christ be judges, priests and kings to?
Lil, why did you say 'the other dead are not alive at that time.. ?
Good thoughts........ you are like me. Loaded with new
Do you feel that the "Rapture" is close now that you are a christian?
by booker-t infor all ex-jw's that are now born-again christians.
do you now believe that the "rapture" is close?
have you traded one lie "armaggeddon is around the corner" that jw's insist on to jump ship and believing another "lie" by born-agains that the "rapture is very close".
Star Moore
Hi there:
This is the 'rapture' scripture:
1Cor. 15:52 NWT in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, during the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised up incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this which is corruptible must put on incorruption, and this which is mortal must put on immortality.
I'm thinking the 'dead' (to be raised) are those spiritually sleeping. Not physically dead but spiritually asleep. And in the middle of the GT, they become spiritually alive and awaken. A good cross reference is Dan. 12:1b
And during that time your people will escape, every one who is found written down in the book. And there will be many of those asleep in the ground of dust who will wake up, these to indefinitely lasting life and those to reproches and to indefinitely lasstin abhorrence.
Star Moore
Hi Blondie,
The article you refered to, seems to think the 'king of the north' is the UN...I'm thinking the 'king of the north' is very aggressive and attackers... the UN wouldn't seem to fit that mode. Bin Laden and his following seem to fit more.. like this scripture..
Dan. 11:42 And he will keep thrusting out his hand against the lands; and as regards the land of Egypt, she will not prove to be an escapee.
vs.44....and he will certainly go forth in a great rage in order to annihilate and to devote many to destruction..
What do you all, think??